Well, here it is a year later and I have not done as I said I would keeping up with my blog. I guess I can look at it in two ways: one, I've just been way to lazy and preoccupied with other things i.e. facebook has gotten the best of me, and two there is now only three more years left till Will is out of Vet school. I can't believe one year ago he was going to the interview and sweating it out. Let's try this again!! Start over.
The purpose of this post is not to ramble on about my laziness, but to talk about the mid south where I live. I absolutely love living here, I mean we have the SEC (South Eastern Conference), great southern fried food, and we are some of the nicest people to be around. I wouldn't trade living here for anything. Well there is that one thing, our winters. There CRAZY!!! Last week we had the most beautiful weather. Tempetures in the upper 50's to mid 60's and sunshine. Yesterday, holy ice!! We had an ice storm. Right here where I am we had freezing rain and sleet all day. Just to the north of us they had snow, and to the south of us rain. As a kid I used to love "snow" days, especially when school got out. I know Hannah was thrilled to be out of school yesterday, but me, oh no hated it. It's funny how your perspective will change once grown up. Sure it was nice not to have to get up, get dressed, make breakfast, and get her ready for school and out the door, but I had other concerns on my mind. Is Will going to be able to make it home? It's tough enough going all through the weeks not seeing him, but the weekend to is even tougher. He was unable to come Friday night like he usually does because of a meeting on Sat. morning, but plans were to come home after his meeting and stay till early Monday morning. Well, plans changed. He did not make it home this weekend, so here we go second time this semester that we only see eachother every two weeks. I know one day we will look back at this and laugh at what we went through, but for now it seems as an eternity and this next three years cannot come quick enough.
On a happier note, I get to go see Jersey Boys tomorrow and I can't wait!!!!
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