Friday, July 6, 2007


I am trying my hardest to be more positive with my whole out look on life and everything around me. I mean what don't I have to be positive about I have a wonderful husband and two beautiful daughters right? Right. But how can one be positive living in a world of hate, crime, and war? I am refering too two instances imparticular that are on my mind right now, I will explian.

The first one...
I live near Memphis Tennessee. For those of you that don't know what is going on about the Memphis Mayor "King" Willie Herrington I'll explain. This man should have never been elected in the first place, but somehow is going up for I think his tenth year re-election. Anyway it seems as though he is trying to segerate Memphis again (Black/White) what year are we in? come on. He has blamed the "white runned" meida, the news paper imparticular, for all his "problems". He has made comments about certian people being just like KKK bigots. I could go on and on about him, but lets look at Memphis as a city and what he has done to it. It used to be real nice. We had a nice amusement park, which is gone now, built a very costly, i'm sure, pyrmid, empty now, and even more recently built peabody place, which is still ok during the day, but don't go at night. Memphis, a city which could be a real nice place to live and tour seems to have been run into the ground by Harrington and his "thug" followers. How can i think positivly?

Second instance....
I had just read this past week in our local news paper about a twenty year old male who was fighting for our country become severaly injured by being shot point blank in the back of the head. Although this man survived he is on a ventilator, feeding tube, and permentaly blind. One would think that since this man was risking his life for the lives of everyone else in the the USA the US government would support him for the remaining of his life. Not the case here. This man's parents have used all their savings and their retirement to pay for all his treatments. How can I think positivly?

1 comment:

Amy said...

I always just try to remember that "the squeaky wheel always gets the attention". There are lots of acts of love and kindness that never get noticed. I wish they would write and film more about those. We need those right now.