Thursday, July 12, 2007

Life of Wishes

Ok, so last night I only got four hours of sleep (nothing unusal for me). I wake up and can't help but think. I thought about several things, mainly my future. Anyway I have always been one to wish. I seemed to be wishing for bigger and better. My dad would always say "wish in one had and s*** in the other and see which one fills up first". Now isn't it ironic that I "wish" my dad could say that again? Right now my wish is that I can find my passion in life. I feel that if I knew what I wanted to do, I mean something I ablsoulty love, than my life may be fullfilled and I would no longer need to live on wishes. Just some thoughts.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I went through this time a while back too. I thought that if I could find what I wanted to be, I would be able to define myself as a person. But, then I learned that what you do, is not who you are. Once you find who you are, what you should do will fall into place. My advice is to find out who you are in God's eyes, and then you'll know what He wants for you!
Sorry for such a long comment, but I had this epiphany last year!